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PrepNow Tutor - Jane T.

Photo of Jane T.
Jane's Bio

At Cornell College, Jane double majored in English and philosophy. She also has an MEd in teaching and learning from DePaul University and a ELL (English Language Learner) endorsement from College of Lake County. After undergraduate school, she worked for the Social Security Administration as a Benefit Authorizer until her second son was born, at which time she became a stay-at-home mom. During those years, she pursued her Master's in education. Since then, she has worked as a substitute teacher, a special education aide in a middle school, and is now working as an ELL teacher at a high school. She also worked for and subsequently ran a test preparation company for 10 years prior to her current job.

The thing Jane likes most about teaching is building connections with students and making a difference in their lives. “When students are struggling, I enjoy the challenge of finding different ways of presenting the information -- finding ways each student learns best. Teaching and tutoring are never boring!” Jane is certified to teach language arts and social studies to middle school students and English to high school students. She has tutored countless students over the years and believes students learn best when they have made a connection with their teachers, so she is sure to talk about students' interests, hobbies, and activities.

She likes tutoring because it's one-to-one and she can personalize her instruction to individual students. She uses different methods of instruction or explanation when students are confused by one method. She is good at breaking complex ideas down into comprehensible chunks.

An interesting fact about Jane is that she has participated in the American Crossword Tournament (New York Times) – she loves crossword puzzles! She also enjoys creative writing, dogs, reading, being outdoors, and doing yoga.

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