SAT Tutoring | Work with a private SAT Tutor from PrepNow. Personalized tutoring by PrepNow: SAT tutoring, ACT tutoring, PSAT tutoring, ISEE tutoring, SSAT tutoring, math tutoring, science tutoring, english tutoring and in-home tutoring.

Our Tutoring Staff

At PrepNow all of our tutoring is one-to-one, and our state-of-the-art virtual classroom enables your child to work privately with a tutor from the convenience of your home. Years of experience have taught us that finding the right match is a critically important step in a successful tutoring outcome, and our innovative program gives you access to some of the best tutors in the country. Each profile has information regarding the tutor's academic history, teaching experience, teaching style, hobbies and interests. This information, along with the diverse backgrounds and personalities of our staff, will help to ensure that you find the perfect match for your child.

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Rate: $100/hr

“I became a test prep tutor to empower students to build confidence, reduce anxiety, and reach their goals,” Adrianna F. says. Adrianna’s teaching style focuses on helping students identify their own strengths and weaknesses and develop problem-solving strategies.

Bachelor's in Animal And Veterinary Sciences, Clemson University

Horseback Riding, Karate, Reading, Writing, Music

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Rate: $100/hr

“I base my tutoring style on the Socratic method, and use leading questions to help students figure out solutions to problems,” Alex R. says. “I frequently find students know more than they think they know, and often just a few questions can get them on the right track and help them find the answer themselves.”

Bachelor's in Business Information Systems, University Of Maryland, Baltimore County

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Rate: $198/hr

"I've seen how much knowledge and understanding can empower students, giving them confidence in themselves to become people who make valuable contributions to the world," says tutor Alexandra (Alex) O. Alex describes herself as a "fun-loving, active person who loves to engage with people--passionate about learning, being outside, and being active in my community."

Bachelor's in Sociology, Florida State University
Doctoral Degree in Sociology, UC - Irvine

Hiking,Arts & Crafts,music

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Rate: $100/hr

Alyceson-Grace E. describes herself as energetic, kind, and encouraging. She says, “Raised in a supportive and empowering community, I seek to continue the legacies of love by educating the next generation of students.”

Bachelor's in Business Economics, University Of North Texas

Kickboxing, Writing, Video Games, Cooking, Reading

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Rate: $150/hr

“My tutoring style focuses on making each session as enjoyable, meaningful, and effective as possible while adding as little stress as possible," says Amanda M. Amanda is an educator and test-development researcher with extensive experience working with students of all abilities and backgrounds.

Bachelor's in Middle Childhood Education, Miami University
Master's in Learning, Design, And Technology, Georgetown University

Cooking, Orangetheory, Spending Time With Family And My Sweet Dog Birdie!

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SAT® is a registered trademark of the College Board, which was not involved in the production of, and does not endorse this product. ACT® is the registered trademark of ACT, Inc. PrepNow has no affiliation with ACT, Inc., which was not involved in the production of, and does not endorse this product. PSAT/NMSQT® is a trademark jointly owned by the College Board and the National Merit Scholarship Corporation, which were not involved in the production of, and does not endorse this product. All test names and other trademarks are the property of the respective trademark holders. None of the trademark holders are affiliated with PrepNow or this website.