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PrepNow Tutor - Vera W.

Photo of Vera W.
Vera's Bio

Vera’s expertise ranges from English (elementary through college levels) and history (through AP level) to all topics in math (from elementary math through to college calculus). She has particular expertise when it comes to math placement tests at the high school and college levels. She’s proud to share that, out of the hundreds of college-bound students she has worked with, the majority have gotten into their top-choice colleges (including Ivy League schools)! She fell in love with tutoring in 2010 and has been working with various tutoring companies ever since. She also works part-time at a local public library.

Vera earned a BA in English literature, European cultural studies, and Near-Eastern Judaic studies from Brandeis University. She later earned an MLIS with a certificate in youth services from Queens College. A lifelong learner, she later returned to school to earn an MA in biblical and Talmudic interpretation from Yeshiva University.

Vera describes her teaching style as “Socratic and engaging.” “I prefer to guide my students through the material rather than lecture at them,” she explains. She emphasizes how important it is to get to know each student’s interests and goals so she can tailor her approach to be most efficient. “Every student has the ability to achieve their goals, and most students just need some support and the right kind of teaching methods to get there,” she purports. “I love taking the time to get to know each student on a personal level so I can customize their tutoring program as much as possible!”

In high school, her love of books and knowledge led her to work at a public library. As an undergraduate, she was on the board of a Jewish organization at Brandeis. She was also a member of the “Official Readers’ Guild,” which she deems “basically, a nerd club!”

When she’s not tutoring or reading, she loves touring historic homes and experimenting with making pasta and pizza from scratch. An avid reader, “I love reading pretty much anything I can get my hands on!" She reads around 250 books a year.

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